beyond-long way without friends mp3歌曲免费下载

WAV beyond 2024-04-10 570 353

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经典老歌 摇滚 怀旧 ktv热歌 流行

作词 : Jia Ju Huang/See On Chan
作曲 : Jia Ju Huang
The sun is scorching down, 在这片毒辣的烈日下
And the sand reflect its light. 沙砾反射着它的光芒
I'm moving with my shadow, 我孤身隻影
Through this empty haunted land. 越过这贫瘠的鬼地方
Strange sounds from nowhere, 不知从何而来的怪声诡异迴响
And the strong wind cut my face. 伴随着一阵烈风划破我的脸颊
Nobody'll help But what else can I do ? 无人相助,但我还能去奢求什麽
Oh! Lord I need your help, Oh~神呐,我需要你的帮助
In the sky there's a eagle soaring by! 孤傲的雄鹰掠过苍穹
Oh, Long way without friends, Oh~漫漫征途竟无朋友相伴
But I'll never, never change my mind! 但这也绝不会动摇我的意志
The moon is hanging high, 冷月孤高地悬在夜空中
With her lonely stars behind, 唯有孤星萦绕在其左右
The moonlinght lit the ground. 冰冷的月光打落在大地上
The moonlight give me a chill, 使我侵肌透骨,不禁毛骨森然
But only the moonlight,Will show me my way 但唯有这渗人的光芒 指引我方向
Nobody'll help,But what else can i do? 无人相佐,但这并不是我所能强求的
Oh! Lord I need your help, Oh~神啊!我需要你的帮助
In the sky there's a eagle soaring by! 孤傲的雄鹰又掠过苍穹
Oh, Long way without friends, Oh~漫漫征途竟无朋友相伴
But I'll never, never change my mind! 但这也绝不能撼动我的意志
Oh! Lord I need your help, Oh~神啊!我祈求你的帮助
In the sky there's a eagle soaring by! 孤傲的雄鹰再次掠过苍穹
Oh, Long way without friends, Oh~漫漫征途竟无朋友相佐
But I'll never, never change my mind! 但这也绝不会更改我的意志

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