walk off the earth-bet on me mp3歌曲免费下载

WAV walk off the earth 2024-05-01 1339 946

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作词 : D-Smoke
作曲 : Gianni Luminati Nicassio/Sarah Blackwood/Sean Douglas/Ross Golan/Alex Schwartz/Joe Khajadourian/Daniel Anthony Farris
(Walk Off The Earth
Supa Good D Smoke)
You should bet on me 你应该赌我赢
Like I'm Apple in the 90's 就像我是90年代的苹果公司
You should bet on me 你就该在我身上下注
Gonna wanna get behind me like I'm 23 (Good) 躲在我身后 就像我是23号球员
Before Mikey was on Nike's 像乔丹签约耐克前
You should be-be-be-bet on me (Woo-ooh) 我就是支稳赚不赔的潜力股
Run like a stallion (Ya) 像种马一样恣意奔跑
Chase your legacy ( Be-be-be-bet on me) 拿下你所有的遗产(在我身上押注吧)
Keep it a thousand 手头只留上一千
Self-made with no pedigree (Baby, bet on me) 白手起家(宝贝 你应该赌我赢)
Let 'em see you smiling on the front pages 就让人们在头版 看到你的自信笑容
Mama I made it, look at, look at me (All eyes on me) 妈妈 我做到了 看我 看我(我万众瞩目)
Smilin' cause it's contagious 微笑是会传染的
Do it for the haters, make ' em lose sleep (Let's go) 让那些憎恨你的人后悔 让他们彻夜难眠(出发)
You should bet on me 你应该赌我赢
Like l'm Apple in the 90s 就像我是90年代的苹果公司
You should bet on me 你就该在我身上下注
Gonna wanna get behind me like l'm 23 躲在我身后 就像我是23号球员
Before Mikey was on Nike's 像乔丹签约耐克前
You should be-be-be-bet on me (Woo-ooh) 我就是支稳赚不赔的潜力股
You should bet on me 你应该赌我赢
Like l'm neon in the 80s 就像我是80年代的霓虹灯
Double down on me 加倍下注
It ain't up to be debated 不容争辩
l'm a certainty 我就是很肯定
You can't get these odds in Vegas 在维加斯可没有这种赔率
Baby, be-be-be-bet on me (Woo-ooh) 宝贝 你就该赌我赢
Roll the 'Dizzice' 掷下骰子
Lucky seven 幸运数字是7
If not, I bet I'll roll eleven 要是没有 我打赌我会摇个11出来
Hold me to my goals, I know, I told my bredren 我对兄弟们说 我很清楚 让我实现自己的目标
We won't leave this earth until the turf is proud at heart like Kevin 我们绝不会离开 除非我们的地盘像Kevin一样 内心满怀骄傲
I'm close to god like reverend, oh 我就像牧师一样接近上帝
I done learned all of my lesson 我已汲取教训 学完所有功课
Betting on me is investment 把赌注押在我身上 是一种投资
Bending the rules like Inception 像《盗梦空间》那样打破陈规
My angels give me that protection 我的天使保佑我
Like Amazon in 2009, you get exponential interest 就像2009年的亚马逊 你获得了指数级增长的利润
Like Peloton, you can spin around without going nowhere but 就像Peloton 足不出户 就能四处周游
You should bet on me 你应该赌我赢
Like I'm Apple in the 90s 就像我是90年代的苹果公司
You should bet on me 你就该在我身上下注
Gonna wanna get behind me like l'm 23 躲在我身后 就像我是23号球员
Before Mikey was on Nike's 像乔丹签约耐克前
You should be-be- be- bet on me (Woo-ooh) 我就是支稳赚不赔的潜力股
You should bet on me 你应该赌我赢
Like l'm neon in the 80s 就像我是80年代的霓虹灯
Double down on me 加倍下注
lt ain't up to be debated 这不容争辩
l'm a certainty 我敢肯定
You can't get these odds in Vegas 你在维加斯可没有这种赔率
Baby, be-be-be-bet on me (Woo-ooh) 宝贝 你就该赌我赢
It might not come easy 这一切或许来得并不容易
But who said it would 但谁又能说它轻而易举就能得到呢
It won't happen overnight 怎能在一夜之间发生
But you know it could 但你知道 它就是会的
Let' em see ya smilin' on the front pages 让人们看到你在头版上的自信笑容
Mama, I made it, look at, look at me, woo (AIl eyes on me) 妈妈 我做到了 看我 看我(我万众瞩目)
Smilin', cause it's all gravy, fifty-two aces under my sleeve 微笑 因为这一切美味如佳肴 我袖子里藏着足足52张A
(Triple that, bring it back) (再翻三倍 扳回一局)
You should bet on me 你应该赌我赢
Like I'm 24, win three rings and then go win two more 我像科比一样 赢得三枚冠军戒指后 又轻松赢得两枚
Bet on me 在我身上下注吧
l'm the key so you can't close the door (Like I'm 23) 我就是你心门的钥匙 你无法拒绝(我像乔丹一样)
Overload to me ain't even pressure 超负荷对我来说 甚至不算压力
Matter fact, when globe is on my back 事实上 就算整个地球扛在我背上
Work even better 我会干劲十足 做得更好
That's why if you are better 这就是为什么 你应该赌我赢
You should bet on me 你应该赌我赢
Like when bitcoin was a penny 就像当年未升值的比特币 还只值一块钱
Double down on me 加倍下注
If you haven't bid already 如果你还没有出价
l'm a certainty 我敢肯定
You can't get these odds in Vegas 在维加斯可没有这种赔率
Baby, be-be-be-bet on me (Woo-ooh) (Ha, ha, ha) 宝贝 你就该在我身上下注