taylor swift-the smallest man who ever lived mp3歌曲免费下载
作词 : Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift
作曲 : Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift
Was any of it true? 其中是否藏有真心
Gazing at me starry-eyed 那满眼星辰的凝视
In your Jehovah's Witness suit 身着耶和华见证人西装的你
Who the **** was that guy? 究竟是何方神圣
You tried to buy some pills 你想从我朋友的朋友那儿
From a friend of friends of mine 买些药丸
They just ghosted you 卖药的人却突然消失不见
Now you know what it feels like 现在你懂那种感觉了吧
And I don't even want you back, I just want to know 我甚至不想让你回来 我一心想知道
If rusting my sparkling summer was the goal 毁掉我灿烂的夏天 是不是你的初衷
And I don't miss what we had, but could someone give 我并不怀念我们曾拥有的一切 但能否有人替我
A message to the smallest man who ever lived? 给世上最矮小的那人捎个话
You hung me on your wall 你把我挂在墙上
Stabbed me with your push pins 用图钉狠狠钉住
In public, showed me off 在众人面前炫耀我
Then sank in stoned oblivion 而后无法自拔 飘飘然到不省人事
'Cause once your queen had come 因为在你眼中 一旦王后莅临
You'd treat her like an also-ran 她便是毫无价值的落败者
You didn't measure up 而你从未达到标准
In any measure of a man 丝毫没有男子气概
And I don't even want you back, I just want to know 我甚至不想让你回来 我一心想知道
If rusting my sparkling summer was the goal 毁掉我灿烂的夏天 是不是你的初衷
And I don't miss what we had, but could someone give 我并不怀念我们曾拥有的一切 但能否有人替我
A message to the smallest man who ever lived? 给世上最矮小的那人捎个话
Were you sent by someone 你是不是受人指使
Who wanted me dead? 前来害我性命
Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed? 你是不是枕着枪支与我同床共枕
Were you writing a book? 你是不是在撰写一本小说
Were you a sleeper cell spy? 你是不是潜伏的特工
In fifty years will all this be declassified? 五十年后 真相会否浮出水面
And you'll confess why you did it 你会否坦白这一切的动机
And I'll say, "Good riddance" 而我只会说一声 “走了最好”
'Cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden 因为当禁忌褪去 这份情感已毫无魅力
I would've died for your sins 我早就该为赎你的罪孽而亡
Instead I just died inside 结局却是心死如灰
And you deserve prison, but you won't get time 你理应身陷囹圄 却逍遥法外
You'll slide into inboxes and slip through the bars 你混迹于信息洪流 隐没于灯红酒绿
You crashed my party and your rental car 你闯入我的派对 撞毁租来的车
You said normal girls were "boring" 你说循规蹈矩的女孩索然无味
But you were gone by the morning 却在黎明时分悄然离去
You kicked out the stage lights, but you're still performing 你熄灭了舞台的灯光 却仍在表演
And in plain sight you hid 你试图匿于众目睽睽之下
But you are what you did 但你无法逃避自己的所作所为
And I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive 我会忘记你的存在 但绝不会选择原谅
The smallest man who ever lived 世上最矮小的人 你的恶行永不磨灭
作曲 : Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift
Was any of it true? 其中是否藏有真心
Gazing at me starry-eyed 那满眼星辰的凝视
In your Jehovah's Witness suit 身着耶和华见证人西装的你
Who the **** was that guy? 究竟是何方神圣
You tried to buy some pills 你想从我朋友的朋友那儿
From a friend of friends of mine 买些药丸
They just ghosted you 卖药的人却突然消失不见
Now you know what it feels like 现在你懂那种感觉了吧
And I don't even want you back, I just want to know 我甚至不想让你回来 我一心想知道
If rusting my sparkling summer was the goal 毁掉我灿烂的夏天 是不是你的初衷
And I don't miss what we had, but could someone give 我并不怀念我们曾拥有的一切 但能否有人替我
A message to the smallest man who ever lived? 给世上最矮小的那人捎个话
You hung me on your wall 你把我挂在墙上
Stabbed me with your push pins 用图钉狠狠钉住
In public, showed me off 在众人面前炫耀我
Then sank in stoned oblivion 而后无法自拔 飘飘然到不省人事
'Cause once your queen had come 因为在你眼中 一旦王后莅临
You'd treat her like an also-ran 她便是毫无价值的落败者
You didn't measure up 而你从未达到标准
In any measure of a man 丝毫没有男子气概
And I don't even want you back, I just want to know 我甚至不想让你回来 我一心想知道
If rusting my sparkling summer was the goal 毁掉我灿烂的夏天 是不是你的初衷
And I don't miss what we had, but could someone give 我并不怀念我们曾拥有的一切 但能否有人替我
A message to the smallest man who ever lived? 给世上最矮小的那人捎个话
Were you sent by someone 你是不是受人指使
Who wanted me dead? 前来害我性命
Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed? 你是不是枕着枪支与我同床共枕
Were you writing a book? 你是不是在撰写一本小说
Were you a sleeper cell spy? 你是不是潜伏的特工
In fifty years will all this be declassified? 五十年后 真相会否浮出水面
And you'll confess why you did it 你会否坦白这一切的动机
And I'll say, "Good riddance" 而我只会说一声 “走了最好”
'Cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden 因为当禁忌褪去 这份情感已毫无魅力
I would've died for your sins 我早就该为赎你的罪孽而亡
Instead I just died inside 结局却是心死如灰
And you deserve prison, but you won't get time 你理应身陷囹圄 却逍遥法外
You'll slide into inboxes and slip through the bars 你混迹于信息洪流 隐没于灯红酒绿
You crashed my party and your rental car 你闯入我的派对 撞毁租来的车
You said normal girls were "boring" 你说循规蹈矩的女孩索然无味
But you were gone by the morning 却在黎明时分悄然离去
You kicked out the stage lights, but you're still performing 你熄灭了舞台的灯光 却仍在表演
And in plain sight you hid 你试图匿于众目睽睽之下
But you are what you did 但你无法逃避自己的所作所为
And I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive 我会忘记你的存在 但绝不会选择原谅
The smallest man who ever lived 世上最矮小的人 你的恶行永不磨灭