taylor swift-paris mp3歌曲免费下载

WAV taylor swift 2024-04-14 703 356

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怀旧 流行

作词 : Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift
作曲 : Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift
Your ex-friend's sister 你以前朋友的姐姐
Met someone at a club and he kissed her 于夜店有了邂逅 他吻了她
Turns out it was that guy you hooked up with ages ago 原来是你多年前勾搭上的那位
Some wannabe Z-lister 通讯录垫底前任 野心勃勃想上位
And all the outfits were terrible 穿着衣品 无一不糟糕
2003, unbearable 零三年的时尚 实在难以忍受
Did you see the photos? 你看了那些照片吗?
No, I didn't but thanks though 没 并没有 不过还是谢谢你
I'm so in love that I might stop breathing 深陷爱河 沉醉其中 我竟忘了呼吸
Drew a map on your bedroom ceiling 卧室天花板上绘地图 寻觅逃离世俗的出路
No, I didn't see the news 八卦新闻 不入我眼
'Cause we were somewhere else 远离嘈杂喧嚣 你我享岁月静好
Stumble down pretend alleys, waste cheap wine 脑中想象于小巷跌跌撞撞 肆意挥洒廉价葡萄酒
Make believe it's Champagne 却佯装手中为香槟
I was taken by the view 我为这胜景心醉神迷
Like we were in Paris 好似你我置身巴黎
Like we were somewhere else 宛若于世俗之外 心神游离
Like we were in Paris, oh 好似你我置身巴黎
We were somewhere else 宛若于世俗之外 心神游离
Privacy sign on the door 门上的隐私标识牌 如此醒目
And on my page and on the whole world 清空社交媒体 不愿公众窥探
Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours 浪漫永存 若你将其紧攥
Levitate above all the messes made 狼藉皆置之不顾 置身云端不作他想
Sit quiet by my side in the shade 无声静坐 于我身旁 在那树荫之下
And not the kind that's thrown 而非他人投下的阴翳之中
I mean the kind under where a tree has grown 也即是 参天大树庇荫下 享岁月静好
I'm so in love that I might stop breathing 我深陷于爱 个中美好令我忘了呼吸
Drew a map on your bedroom ceiling 卧室天花板上绘地图 寻觅逃离世俗的出路
No, I didn't see the news 八卦新闻 不入我眼
'Cause we were somewhere else 远离嘈杂喧嚣 你我享岁月静好
Stumble down pretend alleys, waste cheap wine 脑中想象于小巷跌跌撞撞 肆意挥洒廉价葡萄酒
Make believe it's Champagne 却佯装手中为香槟
I was taken by the view 我为这胜景心醉神迷
Like we were in Paris, oh 好似你我置身巴黎
Like we were somewhere else 宛若于世俗之外 心神游离
Like we were in Paris, oh 好似你我置身巴黎
We were somewhere else 宛若于世俗之外 心神游离
I wanna brainwash you 多想将你洗脑
Into loving me forever 你对我的爱 便能永葆鲜活
I wanna transport you 还想将你送往
To somewhere the culture's clever 文化繁荣胜地
Confess my truth in 骤然执笔
Swooping, sloping, cursive letters 那斜体草书袒露我心意
Let the only flashing lights 唯愿那媒体的闪光灯
Be the tower at midnight 化为埃菲尔铁塔点缀午夜的浪漫
In my mind 于我脑中
We drew a map on your bedroom ceiling 卧室天花板上绘地图 寻觅逃离世俗的出路
No, I didn't see the news 八卦新闻 不入我眼
'Cause we were somewhere else 宛若于世俗之外 心神游离
In an alleyway, drinking Champagne 匿于小巷 啜饮香槟
'Cause we were in Paris 彼时你我置身巴黎
Yes, we were somewhere else 于世俗之外 心神游离
My love, we were in Paris 亲爱的 彼时你我置身巴黎
Yes, we were somewhere else 于世俗之外 心神游离

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