taylor swift-dear reader mp3歌曲免费下载

WAV taylor swift 2024-04-14 585 290

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经典老歌 怀旧 流行

作词 : Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift
作曲 : Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift
Dear reader 亲爱的读者
If it feels like a trap 若似陷阱之感
You're already in one 你便已深陷其中
Dear reader 亲爱的读者
Get out your map 拿出地图来
Pick somewhere and just run 挑一去处 远走高飞吧
Dear reader 亲爱的读者
Burn all the files desert all your past lives 不妨将档案卷宗尽数付之一炬 重塑自我 抛却往昔
And if you don't recognize yourself 若与从前 视如陌路
That means you did it right 恰恰说明 你未曾误入歧途
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart 绝不要听信情绪崩溃之人所提的劝告
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart 绝不要采纳分崩离析之人所提的建议
Dear reader 亲爱的读者
Bend when you can 请静待时机 隐忍蛰伏
Snap when you have to 情势所迫 也定要一招毙命
Dear reader 亲爱的读者
You don't have to answer 你不必事事回应的
Just 'cause they asked you 即使他们询问你
Dear reader 亲爱的读者
The greatest of luxuries is your secrets 最价值不菲的奢侈品 便是你的秘密
Dear reader 亲爱的读者
When you aim at the devil 若目标是魔鬼
Make sure you don't miss 定要一击致命
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart 绝不要听信情绪崩溃之人所提的劝告
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart 绝不要采纳分崩离析之人所提的建议
So I wander through these nights 故近来 我夜里徘徊不定
I prefer hiding in plain sight 我偏爱躲在众目睽睽之下
My fourth drink in my hand 拿起第四杯酒 一饮而尽
These desperate prayers of a cursed man 深陷诅咒之人绝望的祈祷
Spilling out to you for free 向你无偿道出实情
But darling darling please 可亲爱的 亲爱的 求你了
You wouldn't take my word for it 你定不会信我口中言语
If you knew who was talking 若你清楚我姓甚名谁
If you knew where I was walking 若你得知 我前往的目的地
To a house not a home all alone 'cause nobody's there 即那所房子 并非谁的家 因为没有人住在那儿
Where I pace in my pen and my friends found friends who care 手握钢笔 我不辍踱步 而朋友寻到体贴挚友
No one sees when you lose when you're playing solitaire 若玩单人纸牌 便没人会见你落败
You should find another guiding light 你该寻觅另一盏指路明灯
Guiding light well I shine so bright 指路明灯 但我却明亮如许
You should find another guiding light 你该寻觅另一盏指路明灯
Guiding light but I shine so bright 指路明灯 但我却闪耀如斯
You should find another 你该寻觅另一盏指路明灯
You should find another 你该寻觅另一盏指路明灯
Find another 寻觅另一盏
You should find another 你该寻觅另一盏指路明灯

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